Planting flowers is a simple yet effective way to make your garden look amazing. With so many different flowers it might seem like there is no limit to how many choices and combinations you could make. That being said, flower planting is essentially a several-step process that you need to take seriously if you want to succeed.
You need to take into consideration what type of flower you are working with and what conditions those flowers require in order to survive and look their best. Planting and growing anything can be difficult if you are doing it for the first time. Due to that reason, we have created a guide in order to help you learn how to plant flowers in your flower garden. We will go over every step from the digging process to the maintenance of the flowers once they are planted. Additionally, we will cover what tools you will have to use as well to create a beautiful garden.
Now, if you are ready, let’s go over these gardening tips, roll up those sleeves because it is time to learn how to plant flowers.
Planting Flowers for Beginners
As we have mentioned already, planting flowers is a process that requires several steps. The planting itself is generally very forgiving for the majority of the flowers. Some flowers do require very special care; however, let’s leave those aside for now and focus on the basics.
To begin with, you will need some gardening tools and equipment. First on the list are gloves. Having a good pair of gardening gloves is not absolutely necessary but you will certainly be glad that you have them. They are pretty cheap and will last you a long time. Also, you can use them for any type of work you need to do around the house.
Next up, you will need a solid trowel. Depending on your needs, a smaller hand trowel will do the trick. This tool is great for planting, seed sowing, potting on, or simply hand weeding. Additionally, a hand fork is also a very useful tool for planting. With it, you can easily break up different types of compacted soil or stony ground.
If you need more digging power, then going for a spade is the way to go. A solid stainless steel spade will serve you for years to come. If you have a larger area of weed to clear out, then getting a hoe will help you tremendously. A simple Dutch hoe will cut down your weeding time by a lot. Lastly, a rake will help you break down the soil to a fine tilth if you ever plan to do seed sowing.
Watering Equipment
You will also need a watering can. As we all know, watering plants is a necessary step for them to be able to grow. Getting a water can with a sprinkler attachment will help you water the plants more evenly and will stop you from overwatering them.
That being said, once your flower beds are well established you can switch out from the watering can to the good old hose. This way you will cut down on the time it takes you to water everything. If you do not have a hose, then going for a simple garden hose with different spray guns will do the trick.
Steps for Planting a Flower

Now that you have the necessary equipment, it is time to plant flowers.
#1 Find the Most Suitable Place to Plant your Flowers
Depending on the plants you have picked out, they will need special conditions in order to survive and grow. Now, you need to know beforehand if your flowers need a lot of sun, or need to be in a shade most of the time, perhaps a combination of the two? Make garden designs that will accommodate every flower you have perfectly no matter if it needs sun or shade.
Plants that require a lot of sunlight mean that they need at least 6 hours of direct sun or more every day. On the other hand, plants that partially require shade still require 4 to 6 hours of sunlight each day. Additionally, there are multiple types of shade that you need to know about. It all comes down to how deep the shade is. For example, a dappled shade offers much more sunlight compared to a very deep shade.
Once you determine the perfect spots for your flowers, it is time to move on to the next step.
#2 Treat the Soil
In order to survive, the flowers you plant need to have enough nutrients which can only be acquired from healthy soil. If you take your time to prepare the soil before you plant, you can definitely expect beautiful and blooming flowers. The majority of plants require loose soil that is also well-drained. Additionally, remember to add a good amount of organic material as well.
When you dig an area to plant your flowers, you do not have to dig a lot. The only important thing is that you dig just enough soil where you can incorporate some compost for a better soil structure while also providing necessary nutrients to the flower.
Keep in mind that there are different types of soil, but before you start digging, make sure the soil is dry enough. Wet soil will simply compact together which will prevent your flowers from growing. In order to grow, flowers need soil that is loose enough and has enough space for their roots to keep growing.
Checking if the soil is just right can be done easily. Dig a small hole, approximately 3 inches, and take a sample of the soil. Once you have the sample, squeeze it and create a ball out of it. Now, take it to a hard surface like pavement and throw it lightly. When you toss the soil ball onto the pavement and it shatters, then that means you are ready to start planting. On the other hand, if it stays together, the soil is simply too wet for you to plant anything at the current moment.
#3 Time to Plant
After everything is prepared, it is finally time to start planting your flowers. One thing to keep in mind is that the process does differ depending on if you are planting seeds or if you are planting nursery plants. If you are going with the seed option, the best course of action is to look at the seed packet the seeds came in. Flower seeds will have clear instructions telling you how deep the hole should be and how far apart the seeds should be from one another.
In the case of potted garden plants, you want to plant your flowers with the soil on the same level as compared to the pot. If you are ever unsure, always check the tag that came with the plant.
Various flowering plants require a shallower hole. When you are dealing with these flowers, it is important that you create a shallow hole and once you place the flower in it gently cover the roots without packing down the soil too much.
If you are planting for the first time, we recommend that you choose easy flowers to plant.
#4 Watering the Flowers
When you water the flowers you just planted, make sure to soak the soil around them well. All garden flowers need enough moisture to grow well. This is usually about 1 to 2 inches of moisture per week. So, if your area did not have sufficient rain, you will have to do it manually.
Remember that it is always better to soak the soil completely and less frequently, rather than doing it every day. This way the roots can grow deeper and healthier. Do be careful that you do not waterlog your soil as the plant itself may potentially rot away.
Placing a layer of some kind of mulch can help by reducing evaporation which means you will not have to water as frequently.
#5 Groom the Flowers
Once your flowers bloom and have fully grown, do not be afraid to cut them and create beautiful bouquets. When you notice that the head of the flower is spent, in order to accelerate and encourage the growth and survival of the plant, make sure to clip it. This way, you increase the chances of your plants surviving winter. In fact, some flowers even require that you remove the bloom in order for it to bloom again. Various flowers also benefit when you remove old leaves from them, for example, daylilies.
All in all, it is important that you prepare well when you are planting flowers. Some might be easier to plant than others, but all of them require good care. For starters, you should research suitable flowers for beginners. This way you can learn about the process of planting at a slower pace. When you get more and more comfortable, you can start expanding your flower collection and create a colorful garden that you can be proud of. We hope that this guide helped you with your flower planting journey.